John Steinbeck Outline

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John Steinbeck Outline:

  1. Several of John Steinbeck’s novels, such as Of Mice and Men and The Grapes of Wrath, were influenced by his personal experiences as a laborer.

II. John Steinbeck’s Life

A) Family

1. John Steinbeck’s family consisted of his father, who worked as county treasurer, and his mother, who held a job as a school teacher.

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3. He was one of four children and the only male.

B) Childhood and Adolescence
1. Born on February 27, 1902.
2. Started narrating stories during childhood.
3. Submitted short stories to magazines using a pseudonym.
4. Showed interest in biology, the study of human life.
5. Possessed a large physique, which provided an advantage in track and basketball.
6. Contributed to the school newspaper as a writer.
7. Served as the president of his senior class.

C) Young Adult Life
1. Managed to fund his college education at Stanford University but did not complete it.
2. Relocated to New York and secured employment as a freelance writer; however, this endeavor proved unsuccessful, prompting him to return to California.

Although his initial novel, Cup of Gold, did not attract much attention, Steinbeck found success with his next novel Tortilla Flat.

5. While his reputation as an author was on the rise, his personal life took a downturn with divorce and subsequent remarriage that also ended in divorce.


  1. He worked on nearby ranches and became acquainted with a migrant worker.
  2. He held various jobs including sales clerk, farm laborer, ranch hand, factory worker, construction laborer, and caretaker.

Common settings and issues:

  1. The Red Pony takes place on a ranch in Salinas, CA between two mountains. It depicts a rural setting.
  2. The Pearl is set in a small fishing village.


  1. Dubious Battle tackles the economic problems faced by rural labor through striking workers, while Their Blood is Strong addresses the issue of migrant labor.
  2. The works focus on America’s social problems and the struggles of the poor.

*The Red Pony is a story about an impoverished family’s quest for a better life. Of Mice and Men delves into the challenges faced by migrant farmers. IV. Of Mice and Men A) Description of the Novel: 1. Portrays the friendship between two migrant workers. 2. Lenny is characterized as “simple minded” and slow. 3. George is his guardian and mentor who looks after him. B) Noteworthy Quotes: 1. “Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world.”

“In the world, they have no family. They don’t belong to any place.”

“O.K. Someday – we’re going to get the jack together and we’re going to have a little house and a couple of acres and a cow and some pigs and—-“

Connection 1: John worked as a laborer during summer vacation as a teenager. He learned about the obstacles they had to work through and also experienced their hardships.

2. John encountered numerous migrant workers who shared their experiences with him.

The Grapes of Wrath, V, is a book that provides a summary of the hardship and oppression experienced by migrant laborers during the Great Depression.

The story follows a family as they travel to the west in search of job opportunities.

Positive Impact on Society:
1. “The Grapes of Wrath had a significant and immediate impact on the public, leading to an explosive reaction.”
2. The real conditions depicted in the novel made migrant laborers perceive the author as a hero.

The novel achieved immense sales, surpassing even Gone with the Wind. It quickly gained recognition as a classic after being adapted into a movie within one year. Additionally, it raised awareness about the challenging circumstances faced by migrant farm workers and played a crucial role in improving their conditions.

However, the book also had negative consequences on society. John received criticism from politicians and citizens who accused him of defaming the state and depicting its residents as uncivilized and immoral. Some politicians even labeled him as “the most dangerous man in America.” Furthermore, California libraries promptly received removal requests upon its release.

VI. Themes and Messages in John Steinbeck’s Novels:

A) “The Pearl” – This novel demonstrates the decline of innocence among individuals who mistakenly believe that wealth can solve all their problems.

B) The main theme of The Red Pony is that life and experience serve as excellent teachers.

C) Of Mice and Men – Even if it seems impossible to achieve, a dream has the power to create friendship and bring purpose to life.

VII. Facts and Accomplishments

A) Awards

  1. United States Medal of Freedom
  2. Nobel Peace Prize – awarded “for his realistic as well as imaginative Writings, distinguished by a sympathetic humor and a keen social perception.”

B) Stories

  1. He dedicated his life to writing books.
  2. His stories were adapted into stage plays and movies.

Steinbeck was more drawn to short stories rather than novels, and a majority of his novels began as short stories.

C) Other1. John Steinbeck’s writing was influenced by his trips.

Travels with Charley is a book about John’s 1960 tour with his poodle Charley2. John was a perfectionist and a workaholic, finding his writing both exhilarating and a source of safety and security.

VIII. Conclusion

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John Steinbeck Outline. (2018, Dec 02). Retrieved from

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