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Essays on Othello

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Manipulation in Othello



Words: 963 (4 pages)

Othello Essay “To what extent is manipulation central to the play as a whole? ” Even though the play is called “Othello” and what Othello does is central to the play, Iago is the character that causes the action within the play written by William Shakespeare. Iago is the character who manipulates others to further…

Types of Love in Othello by Shakespeare



Words: 1363 (6 pages)

Through out the tragic play Othello, Shakespeare illustrates many different types of love. In many cases however, this love proves to be misguided or false. Because a plethora of imprudent relationships control the characters; Shakespeare utilizes mistaken love to derail the one true love in the play between Othello and Desdemona. Ultimately the tragic ending…

Dramatic Irony in Othello



Words: 533 (3 pages)

One of the prominent elements in Othello is the use of dramatic irony, particularly in Iago’s dialogues. This technique is prominently displayed when Iago tells outright lies to deceive other characters, portrays himself differently to manipulate others, and when other characters discuss him in a manner that misrepresents his true nature. Iago consistently fabricates small…

Why Act 3, Scene 3 is a significant turning point in Othello Analysis



Words: 1934 (8 pages)

Choose a scene which you consider to be a turning point and explain in detail and with some reference to the rest of the play why it is dramatic and significant. Refer to language, themes and characterisation. A turning point is a time in a plot where actions cause a character to develop from their…

What is particularly dramatic about Act 4, Scene 3 of ‘Othello’? Analysis



Words: 1793 (8 pages)

“What is particularly dramatic about Act4, Scene 3 of ‘Othello’? Explore the relationship between the two women themselves and their relationships with their husbands here and elsewhere. Do you think Shakespeare himself is ‘putting down’ women or is he just portraying a male attitude of his time? ” Act 4 Scene 3 of ‘Othello’ is…

How is Othello portrayed in Act 1?



Words: 1220 (5 pages)

The first we hear of Othello comes from Iago and Rodrigo in Act One Scene One. In a heated discussion, Iago decides to cause havoc in Brabintio’s family and decides to disclose his knowledge of Othello and Desdemona’s marriage. ‘…to tell you that you your daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with…

Othello – Change of Character Analysis

Character Analysis


Words: 852 (4 pages)

Throughout the play, Othello is initially portrayed as a heroic and proud warrior. However, as the story unfolds, his character gradually declines and loses its nobility. Othello’s transformation from an impeccable military commander to a murderer occurs chronologically in the play. Additionally, the evolving perceptions of Othello held by the other characters drive the unfolding…

Shakespeare’s Othello: Love, Infidelity and Loss



William Shakespeare

Words: 1282 (6 pages)

Throughout Shakespeare’s great works of classic literature, he often takes the sacred institutions of marriage, and corrupts it by allowing its passion-filled symbolism to create the seeds of its own destruction. Whether this is a result of Shakespeare’s own experiences or just a generally negative view of the custom and its ever-present importance to the…

To What Extent Is Desdemona Presented as a Tragic Victim in Othello?



Words: 1485 (6 pages)

To what extent is Desdemona presented as a tragic victim in the play ‘Othello’? Desdemona, the daughter of Venetian senator Brabantio, is captivated by Othello’s fables of bravery as a warrior and she falls in love with him. In view of the fact that Desdemona is a “fair” woman and Othello is “an old black…

The devil Himself – Iago in Othello Analysis



Words: 746 (3 pages)

‘The devil himself’, an accusation against Iago, is a complex portrayal. Iago directly and indirectly refers to the devil multiple times in the first two acts. However, it is unclear whether he sees himself as the devil. I believe that Iago’s character goes beyond being simply labeled as the devil. Nonetheless, it is true that…

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author William Shakespeare
originally published 1883
description Othello is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, probably written in 1603. The story revolves around two characters, Othello and Iago. Othello is a Moorish general in the Venetian army charged with the generalship of Venice on the eve of war with the Ottoman Turks over the island of Cyprus.
characters Iago, Othello, Desdemona, Cassio, Roderigo, Brabantio, Emilia, Bianca, Lodovico

“For she had eyes and chose me.” – Othello, Act 3 Scene 3. “ I kissed thee ere I killed thee—no way but this, killing myself to die upon a kiss” “Where’s that snake? Bring the villain forward.” “Reputation, reputation, reputation! “I think this tale would win my daughter too.,She loved me for the dangers I had passed, I know, Iago. I prithee speak to me as to thy thinkings. No, Iago, I’ll see before I doubt. I saw’t not, thought it not, it harmed not me. Even so my bloody thoughts with violent pace. Therefore be double damned: Swear thou art honest. Then must you speak.


Enemies: Iago

Adapted from: Un Capitano Moro

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