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We found 122 free papers on Othello
Essay Examples
Differences Between Shakespeare’s Othello and Iago Characters
Othello’s character undergoes a dramatic transformation, the man of calm integrity seen at the beginning of the play deteriorates into a man infected with ideas of revenge and death. This essay will focus on the attitudes and relationships between the central characters and the mistrust that is apparent as the play progresses.Othello is the protagonist…
Themes of Trust and Betrayal in “Othello” by William Shakespeare
Othello, a tragic play penned by William Shakespeare, showcases the decline of a noble individual due to the clever trickery and manipulation of an immoral character. The drama vividly portrays Othello’s unraveling and the ensuing tragic outcomes stemming from his moral deterioration. The play Othello by Shakespeare explores the themes of trust and betrayal through…
Iago’s Character in Shakespeare’s Othello
In the opening scene, the play’s villain, Iago, openly declares his type of character, his intentions and his motivations. All of which then continue to underline each of his actions, as the plot continues to unfold. Through his careful twisting of the facts and opportunities that are presented to him, Imago is able to direct,…
Character of Iago in Shakespeare’s Othello Character Analysis
‘Exceeding Honesty’ Investigating the Heroic trait in the Character of Iago in Shakespeare’s Othello Talking about Iago in his introduction to the play ‘Othello’, A.L. Rowse is of the opinion: He (Iago) and Othello stand out as two protagonists in the simple and haunting tragedy, Desdemona their sacrificial victim. (Rowse 271) In the four and…
Othello and Coleridge
Coleridge’s criticism of Shakespeare’s Othello implies that Iago is propelled by a lack of motives, an idea which Coleridge finds difficult to accept. Nonetheless, Coleridge admits that Iago is constantly searching for reasons to justify his atrocious deeds. The author disagrees with the notion that there are no clear motives in the play. While these…
Othello: Sexual Disfunction
Othello, a remarkable character in Shakespeare’s plays, achieved unparalleled success as a general in warfare and gained the prestigious position of one of Venice’s most skilled generals. His exceptional military abilities set him apart, along with his ethnic background from the Venetians. These two distinct qualities define Othello. However, rarely discussed is an aspect of…
What do we learn of Othello’s character through an Analysis of his language?
Character Analysis
Throughout this classic tale, Shakespeare has used Othello’s language and phrases to portray his emotional state during his triumphs and turmoils. The opening scene of Othello and Desdemona’s secret marriage is soon invaded by the news that their matrimony is no longer a secret. Backstabbing and jealousy has lead to the priceless arrest of Othello…
Othello Analysis Paper Blindness
Oedipus Rex
The play “Oedipus the King” examines the theme of people’s lack of awareness and their inability to perceive obvious truths. This idea of “blindness” is explored through various characters in the play. Oedipus, upon finally discovering the truth, admits that he had been blind to it for a significant portion of his life. This realization…
Free Othellos: The Meaning of Othello
The Meaning of Othello Shakespeare has been a part of everyone’s life. There is not one person who hasn’t heard of him. There are some plays that are more well known than others. All of his plays have been studied with a fine tooth comb, and there is probably no secret left in his plays…
Othello: Coleridge said that Iago was a “motiveless malignity”
When considering this remark, it is important to examine the nature of Iago by incorporating perspectives from other critics. One interpretation of Coleridge is that Iago began his plot without knowledge of its ultimate purpose. Iago’s malevolence and ill intentions are evident in the play, but his reasons behind his actions remain unclear. In his…
author | William Shakespeare |
originally published | 1883 |
description | Othello is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, probably written in 1603. The story revolves around two characters, Othello and Iago. Othello is a Moorish general in the Venetian army charged with the generalship of Venice on the eve of war with the Ottoman Turks over the island of Cyprus. |
characters | Iago, Othello, Desdemona, Cassio, Roderigo, Brabantio, Emilia, Bianca, Lodovico |
quotations | “For she had eyes and chose me.” – Othello, Act 3 Scene 3. “ I kissed thee ere I killed thee—no way but this, killing myself to die upon a kiss” “Where’s that snake? Bring the villain forward.” “Reputation, reputation, reputation! “I think this tale would win my daughter too.,She loved me for the dangers I had passed, I know, Iago. I prithee speak to me as to thy thinkings. No, Iago, I’ll see before I doubt. I saw’t not, thought it not, it harmed not me. Even so my bloody thoughts with violent pace. Therefore be double damned: Swear thou art honest. Then must you speak. |
information | Enemies: Iago Adapted from: Un Capitano Moro |