The Merchant of Venice
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Essay Examples
Portia (Merchant of Venice) Feature Article
The Merchant of Venice
Court Room Scandal Belmont Lady gets down and Dirty in Venice Portia, Lady from Belmont, always seemed like a sweet girl, always behaved the way her father wanted her too. Obviously her father’s death has caused some changes as recently Portia has taken some extreme risks to save her love Bassanio. Bassanio is Portia’s most…
My Opinion: Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
I think that Bassanio is depicted as a determined, loyal, and materialistic character in the play The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare. Bassanio demonstrates his determined nature when he is initially confronted with the notion of pursuing Portia. Despite facing the obstacle of insufficient funds, he does not allow it to deter him. He…
Cross-Dressing in Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
In William Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, gender roles are explored, culminating in two distinct scenes of cross-dressing. The men of Elizabethan society enjoy a prominent status based solely on gender, to which women are clearly outsiders. This is particularly evident in Jessica’s newfound freedom when dressed as a pageboy in Act 2 and Portia’s and…
To What Extent Is the Merchant of Venice a Microcosm of the Elizabethan Era?
The Merchant of Venice
In Elizabethan England, many of the general public were anti – Semitic and driven by extreme dislike of other religions other than Christianity. This anti – Semitic sensitivity has lasted since the early ages, dating back to 1300 B. C. when the Jews were expelled from Egypt at the end of the nineteenth Dynasty.. Jews…
Sympathize with Shylock
The Merchant of Venice
Do you sympathise for Shylock? – Give reasons for your answer Should Shylock be shown pity or did he deserve how he was treated? Ever since Shylock was shown as a character by William Shakespeare in the Merchant of Venice there have been many interpretations about him all throughout history. Some of these opinions are…
Shylock and Antonio in Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
A play I have studied is The Merchant of Venice. Two characters in the play who have a tense relationship are Shylock and Antonio. This tension stems firstly from religious differences. In Venice at this time the Christians looked down on the Jewish people because of their religion. Shylock cannot understand the hatred of the…
Merchant of Venice: Shylock More Sinned Against Than Sinning
The Merchant of Venice
Shylock more sinned against than sinning? Many different views can be taken on the Jewish merchant Shylock in the play ‘The Merchant of Venice’ written by William Shakespeare. Although when taking into account the many trials and tribulations that Shylock had to endure, it is forthcoming to say that Shylock was more sinned against than…
Feminism in “Merchant of Venice”
The Merchant of Venice
“Merchant of Venice” is a manifestation of gender discrimination prevailing at that time. It clearly refer to sexism that is not only inclined toward male chauvinism but also a degraded social status of women in the contemporary society. All the major female characters of the play epitomize this gender discrimination and manifest female victimization. These…
The Comical History of the Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
Antonio is the merchant of the play’s title, but he plays a relatively passive role. The major struggles of the play are Bassanio’s quest to marry Portia and his attempt to free Antonio from Shylock, so Bassanio is the likeliest candidate. major conflict · Antonio defaults on a loan he borrowed from Shylock, wherein he promises…
Shylock should be Pitied or Condemed Analysis
The Merchant of Venice
William Shakespeare
I share the sentiment that Shylock from William Shakespeare’s play “The Merchant of Venice” deserves more pity than condemnation. Throughout the play, Shylock finds himself entangled in various situations where it is ambiguous whether he is a victim or a villain. Through the use of literary devices and emotive writing, Shakespeare guides me to ultimately…
genre | Shakespearean comedy |
originally published | 1600 |
description | The Merchant of Venice is a 16th-century play written by William Shakespeare in which a merchant in Venice named Antonio defaults on a large loan provided by a Jewish moneylender, Shylock. It is believed to have been written between 1596 and 1599. |
setting | Venice, 16th century |
characters | Shylock, Portia, Bassanio, Antonio, Jessica, Salarino, Prince of Morocco, Gratiano |
tone | The overall tone of The Merchant of Venice is ambiguous, split between despair and celebration, seriousness and playfulness., |
information | Playwright: William Shakespeare Subject: Debt Series: First Folio Contract: In Shakespeare’s play The Merchant of Venice, Shylock and Antonio make a contract in which Antonio will lose a pound of his flesh if he does not pay back money borrowed for Bassanio. The two men verbally solidify the bond and Shylock takes the contract to the notary. … Shylock asserts, “I stand for judgment” Ring: Rings. In The Merchant of Venice rings represent love and commitment between partners. For example, when they agree to marry, Portia gives Bassanio a ring that she says represents their bond of love. She cautions him that if he loses the ring or gives it away, that will represent the destruction of their love., Location: The Merchant of Venice is set in Italy in the sixteenth century, mainly in Venice. At that time, Venice was an independent city-state., |
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