As Agent for Hair Oil Kalamansi is widely cultivated in the Philippines. This species is a native of the Philippines and does not occur naturally outside of the archipelago. This plant is smooth, somewhat spiny tree, growing from 3 to5 meters in height. The leaflets are elliptic to oblong-elliptic, 4 to 8 centimeters long. The petioles are very narrowly or scarcely winged, and about 1 centimeters long.
The flowers are axillary, solitary, rarely in pairs, white, and short-stalked. The fruit is yellow when ripe, nearly spherical, 2 to 3. 5 centimeters in diameter, 6-7 celled, and thin-skinned. The skin or peel of kalamansi is green to yellowish green or yellow. The peel adheres loosely to the flesh, which contains a few seeds and is light orange in color. It is fairly sour and very much used as a seasoning and for making ? ade?. The whole fruit is made into marmalade. The juice is also concentrated with syrup.
The fruit is crushed with gogo and used for cleansing the hair. Hair Oil is used to moisturize dry hair. It protects the hair from the sun’s rays. It also makes the hair shiny and smooth. Hair Oil comes mostly from coconut milk. Coconut milk is wonderful to use as a hair conditioner. Beauticians who are familiar with coconut swear by it. It softens the hair and conditions the scalp. Using the coconut oil as a pre-wash conditioner can rid a person of dandruff better than a medicated shampoo.
Coconut oil, a natural ingredient in the highest sense of the word, has always been recognized for its quality of strengthening the structure of damaged, devitalized hair. Coconut milk lubricates and softens the hair shaft through the action of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, and iron.
It waspurely applied to the white dress that containing stains. It can remove the stain of banana. Eventhough, it is a long process to remove the stains in the dress because after pouring the purecalamansi liquid in stain you should exposed the dress under the sun for 40 minutes then was itagain.